Crossref Metadata
Crossref Metadata
Crossref is a non-for-profit membership organisation working on making scholarly communications better. It is an official Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Registration Agency of the International DOI Foundation. They provide metadata for every DOI that is registered with Crossref.
Crossref Members send Crossref scholarly metadata on research which is collated and standardised into the Crossref metadata dataset. This dataset is made available through services and tools for manuscript tracking, searching, bibliographic management, library systems, author profiling, specialist subject databases, scholarly sharing networks . - source: Crossref Metadata and schema details.
This table is created as part of the ONIX workflow. The Master Crossref Metadata table is created by Academic Observatory workflows and contains the entirety of the Crossref Metadata dataset. The ONIX workflow creates a subset of the Crossref Metadata by matching on the ISBNs of the workflow's publisher by querying the master table. This date-sharded table is placed in the crossref dataset in multiple crossref_metadataYYYYMMDD tables.
Dataset Name | crossref |
Table Name | crossref_metadata |
Table Type | Sharded |
Average Runtime | 2 min |
Average Download Size | null |
Harvest Type | Query |
Each Run Includes All Data |
Table Schema
name | type | mode | description |
DOI | STRING | NULLABLE | DOI of the work. |
URL | STRING | NULLABLE | URL form of the work's DOI. |
alternative_id | STRING | REPEATED | Other identifiers for the work provided by the depositing member |
abstract | STRING | NULLABLE | Abstract as a JSON string or a JATS XML snippet encoded into a JSON string. |
author | RECORD | REPEATED | |
author.ORCID | STRING | NULLABLE | URL-form of an ORCID identifier |
author.affiliation | RECORD | REPEATED | |
author.affiliation.department | STRING | REPEATED | |
author.authenticated_orcid | BOOLEAN | NULLABLE | If true, record owner asserts that the ORCID user completed ORCID OAuth authentication. | | STRING | NULLABLE | |
author.given | STRING | NULLABLE | | | STRING | NULLABLE | |
author.sequence | STRING | NULLABLE | |
author.suffix | STRING | NULLABLE | |
clinical_trial_number | RECORD | REPEATED | |
clinical_trial_number.clinical_trial_number | STRING | NULLABLE | Identifier of the clinical trial. |
clinical_trial_number.registry | STRING | NULLABLE | DOI of the clinical trial regsitry that assigned the trial number. |
clinical_trial_number.type | STRING | NULLABLE | One of preResults, results or postResults |
container_title | STRING | REPEATED | Full titles of the containing work (usually a book or journal) |
funder | RECORD | REPEATED | |
funder.DOI | STRING | NULLABLE | Optional Open Funder Registry DOI uniquely identifing the funding body ( |
funder.award | STRING | REPEATED | Award number(s) for awards given by the funding body. |
funder.doi_asserted_by | STRING | NULLABLE | Either crossref or publisher | | STRING | NULLABLE | Funding body primary name |
group_title | STRING | NULLABLE | Group title for posted content. |
is_referenced_by_count | INTEGER | NULLABLE | Count of inbound references deposited with Crossref. |
issn_type | RECORD | REPEATED | List of ISSNs with ISSN type information |
issn_type.type | STRING | NULLABLE | ISSN type, can either be print ISSN or electronic ISSN. |
issn_type.value | STRING | NULLABLE | ISSN value |
issue | STRING | NULLABLE | Issue number of an article's journal. |
published_print | RECORD | NULLABLE | |
published_print.date_parts | INTEGER | REPEATED | |
issued | RECORD | NULLABLE | Earliest of published-print and published-online |
issued.date_parts | INTEGER | REPEATED | Contains an ordered array of year, month, day of month. Only year is required. Note that the field contains a nested array, e.g. [ [ 2006, 5, 19 ] ] to conform to citeproc JSON dates |
license | RECORD | REPEATED | |
license.URL | STRING | NULLABLE | Link to a web page describing this license |
license.content_version | STRING | NULLABLE | Either vor (version of record,) am (accepted manuscript,) tdm (text and data mining) or unspecified. |
license.delay_in_days | INTEGER | NULLABLE | Number of days between the publication date of the work and the start date of this license. |
license.start | RECORD | NULLABLE | Date on which this license begins to take effect |
license.start.date_parts | INTEGER | REPEATED | Contains an ordered array of year, month, day of month. Only year is required. Note that the field contains a nested array, e.g. [ [ 2006, 5, 19 ] ] to conform to citeproc JSON dates |
license.start.date_time | TIMESTAMP | NULLABLE | ISO 8601 date time. |
license.start.timestamp | INTEGER | NULLABLE | Seconds since UNIX epoch. |
link | RECORD | REPEATED | URLs to full-text locations. |
link.URL | STRING | NULLABLE | Direct link to a full-text download location. |
link.content_type | STRING | NULLABLE | Content type (or MIME type) of the full-text object. |
link.content_version | STRING | NULLABLE | Either vor (version of record,) am (accepted manuscript) or unspecified. |
link.intended_application | STRING | NULLABLE | Either text-mining, similarity-checking or unspecified. |
member | INTEGER | NULLABLE | Member identifier of the form |
page | STRING | NULLABLE | Pages numbers of an article within its journal. |
prefix | STRING | NULLABLE | DOI prefix identifier of the form |
published | RECORD | NULLABLE | Date on which content was published. |
published.date_parts | INTEGER | REPEATED | Contains an ordered array of year, month, day of month. Only year is required. Note that the field contains a nested array, e.g. [ [ 2006, 5, 19 ] ] to conform to citeproc JSON dates |
publisher | STRING | NULLABLE | Name of work's publisher. |
publisher_location | STRING | NULLABLE | Location of work's publisher |
references_count | INTEGER | NULLABLE | Count of outbound references deposited with Crossref |
short_container_title | STRING | REPEATED | Abbreviated titles of the containing work. |
subject | STRING | REPEATED | Subject category names, a controlled vocabulary from Sci-Val. Available for most journal articles |
title | STRING | REPEATED | Work titles, including translated titles. |
type | STRING | NULLABLE | Enumeration, one of the type ids from |
volume | STRING | NULLABLE | Volume number of an article's journal. |
Last updated