Installing BAD Workflows
Python 3.10
Python virtualenv (recommended)
See below for more a detailed walk-through of the installation process.
Installing System Dependencies
Update packages list and install software-properties-common:
Add deadsnakes PPA which contains Python 3.10 for Ubuntu 20.04; press Enter
when prompted:
Install Python 3.10:
Install pip:
Install virtualenv:
Install Docker Engine:
Following the Install Docker Engine on Ubuntu tutorial.
Make sure that Docker can be run without sudo, e.g.
sudo usermod -aG docker your-username
Creating a Python Virtual Environment
It is highly recommended to create a Python virtual environment before installing the Observatory Platform and BAD workflows. To create a new virtual environment, execute the following command:
To activate/deactivate the environment:
While active, all changes to Python packages will be contained to the environment. Similarly, any Python run commands will be done in the context of the active environment. It is recommended that the following packages are installed to an active virtual environment, although there is no reason that the BAD Workflows could not be run without one.
The Observatory Platform
Make sure that you have followed the above instructions before installing the observatory-platform.
Clone the Observatory Platform repository:
Install the observatory-platform
BAD Workflows
Clone the BAD workflows repository (oaebu-workflows)
Install the workflows to the active python environment
Last updated